Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Convention...I will have more later!

Who would have thought I would have so much trouble with Internet access!  I was so busy during convention (and so tired since we started with only a few hours sleep due to our flight delay) I didn't have a chance to post anything.  Now that I'm on the second part of my vacation, I have time but no Internet!!!

Convention was very inspiring and I can't wait to share what I saw, did, and learned.  Here are just a few pictures. I will add more pictures and details at my next stop.

These are my swaps.  Sorry for the background.  It is my bed at the hotel.

 This is a picture of the demonstrators lined up waiting to enter Momento Mall.  It's where we go shopping!  

 This is a picture of main stage.  I was sitting very far back.  You really can't see the stage.  It is a picture of the screens.  I will add a better picture when I find one!

 These are three of the demonstrators I was with.  We had A LOT of laughs. as I was uploading my photos and I realized I'm going to use up all of my data plan because I am using the connection from my phone to access my blog.  Right now we are staying in a cabin near the North Rim of the Grand Canyon with very little amenities.  I am going to continue adding comments and will add images when I get to the next hotel.  Hopefully, I will have Internet access!

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